Do you remember when you first learned to use the computer? We forget how scary it can be - you think that you're going to 'break' the computer if you do something wrong. I've been helping Joy learn how to load her photos onto the computer, organize and file them, and some minor photo editing. Anyone younger than about 28 doesn't remember it - they grew up with it....so imagine how intimidating it must be for someone 80 years old to learn about the computer. My mom, 82, has become a wizard. It still scares her sometimes but she's an ace for her age. And she still learns lots of new things every day. She said that she'd never use a digital camera. Now I get photos almost every week.

I've been working on taxes and financial junk. Yuck! Like my friend said - it's like having to write a thesis. Every year. Here's what Georgie thinks of the whole thing:

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