I love photographing construction workers. They are big hams and always say 'take my picture!' when I walk by with a camera. A few days ago a particularly gregarious carpenter posed for me with his gigantic stomach and said 'how about this?' I love that he thinks he looks great and because he thinks that he does - he does! That's why men age better than women, in my opinion - they have the self confidence and don't sweat (ha!) the small stuff. I have a dream project photographing construction workers at work for a construction company. I can't wait to get back to this project in two weeks....
I spend half my life waiting. Waiting for the sun, waiting for the sun to go behind a cloud, waiting for someone to quit posing, waiting for someone to show up. Tonight I waited for ambulances. And none came. I'll try again in two weeks and hope that it's not raining. Although that could look cool - wet, shiny pavement with red flashing lights reflections.

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